Call of proposals of topics for 3rd ESTRO Physics workshop: Science in development
La ESTRO ya ha anunciado una nueva edición del ESTRO Physics Workshop: Sciende in development, para los próximos 25 y 26 de octubre. Para esta edición quieren involucrar a todos los físicos miembros de ESTRO para contribuir con propuestas de temas.
El objetivo del ESTRO Physics Workshop es facilitar oportunidades de creación de redes científicas y profesionales con físicos que trabajan en otras áreas y con investigadores en empresas.
Nota completa facilitada por la ESTRO:
The ESTRO Physics Committee is delighted to announce the third edition of ESTRO Physics Workshop: Science in development, 25-26 October 2019.
For this edition we would like to involve all the physicists ESTRO members to contribute with proposals of topics.
When proposing topics you should keep in mind:
1. The workshop is neither a regular meeting based on invited talks and proffered papers, nor a teaching course.
2. The aim of the Physics workshop is to facilitate scientific and professional networking opportunities within the ESTRO physics membership, with physicists working in other areas and with developers in companies.
3. For this meeting participants register for one single topic. The program often includes short pitches by participants sharing their thoughts, and work in progress on the topic theme.
This is followed by ample time for discussion facilitated by the moderators, who drive the discussion to reach deliverables at the end of the workshop and provide a list of possible future actions on their topic to move it forward.
Concrete outcomes may e.g. be initiatives for new collaborative research or writing together a scientific paper or guideline. From previous editions we have learnt that the topic themes must be focused on specific aspects e.g.: “Pretreatment verification methods and metrics” rather than “Quality assurance in External Beam Radiotherapy”.
As an example, some of the topics and outcomes of the previous editions were:
– Dosimetry auditing in radiation oncology.
Outcome: Discussion to develop a course on auditing for advanced techniques
– In vivo dosimetry methods for External Beam Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy.
Outcome: White paper on in vivo dosimetry needs and challenges
– Adaptive and real time strategies.
Outcome: Two surveys on current status.
– Nano and microdosimetry for Radiotherapy.
Outcome: Consortium for grant applications.
We look forward to receiving your proposals by 10 January 2019.
To submit your proposal of topic kindly complete the survey: