ASTRO 2024

ASTRO 2024

Targeting Provider Wellnes for Exceptional Patient Care.

Be sure to mark your calendar now to attend the 66th ASTRO Annual Meeting, being held in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC, September 29 – October 2, 2024! The Annual Meeting program offers the top science and education related to the field of radiation oncology.

The meeting’s theme, “Targeting Provider Wellness for Exceptional Patient Care,” takes a step in a direction that is often overlooked. Provider wellness is an important aspect that deserves our consideration. Being well, treating your physical and mental health as a priority, and living to achieve work-life balance — all go a long way toward helping us to serve as a role model for our patients. During the meeting, we will highlight various aspects of provider wellness and correlate how that impacts patient care.

More information and registration on the website