Occupational dosimetry in diagnostic and interventional radiology
Occupational dosimetry in diagnostic and interventional radiology. Online: 1 febrero 2020. Presencial: 30 marzo – 3 abril 2020. Braunschweig (Alemania).
A practical challenge to be solved: what are the appropriate methods and what degree of dosimetry is reasonable for different groups of personnel exposed to ionising radiation? How do you convince staff of the very real benefits that arise from personnel dosimetry?
Importance and impact of the training module: personnel dosimetry is used globally to monitor radiation exposure of persons within radiological departments. Different approaches exist and different techniques are being used depending on whether the dosimetry is performed for legal reasons or as non-governmental dosimetry. Techniques also differ depending on whether dosimetry is performed for a whole body exposure, or for extremity or eye lens exposures. Even within specific applications, there is a lack of harmonization. This course is suited to offer a deep and comprehensive insight into the different techniques of personnel dosimetry. The trainees shall study different groups of personnel and different exposure situations and decide which methods are best suited and what are the limitations. Further they shall get a feeling for special dedicated dosimetry systems, e.g. optically stimulated luminescence dosimetry. The course will help them in future tasks of training radiation protection experts (RPE).