Advanced brachytherapy Physics
Advanced brachytherapy physics. 7-10 Octubre, 2018. Valencia.
The course is primarily designed for medical physicists interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of brachytherapy physics. A basic background in the sub-specialty is required, as supported by (preferably) at least one year of experience in clinical practice, or participation in a relevant course (such as the Comprehensive and Practical Brachytherapy teaching course). The course could also serve as a refresher or an interactive update on recent developments in the field of brachytherapy for senior medical physicists.
The course aims to:
• Expand on the physics background of recent developments in conventional and contemporary dosimetry methods in modern brachytherapy (computational and experimental)
• Provide a detailed review of modern 3D treatment planning techniques and prescription concepts including: imaging, anatomy segmentation and source localisation methods, optimisation methods and strategies, treatment plan evaluation, the need for quality assurance, and concepts of risk assessment
• Provide an overview of essential quality assurance aspects, in vivo dosimetry, treatment verification techniques and associated recent developments
• Review available knowledge on uncertainties and their clinical impact in modern brachytherapy
• Offer an overview of upcoming technological advancements in implantation and treatment delivery.