Comprehensive Quality Management in Radiotherapy – Quality Assessment and Improvement

Comprehensive Quality Management in Radiotherapy – Quality Assessment and Improvement. 13-16 Octubre 2019. Dublín (Irlanda).


Good quality is impossible to attain if quality standards are not embedded in the culture of the department/institution.
Therefore, all staff contributing to the treatment chain are encouraged to attend. Obviously without a heavy involvement of team leaders a quality system will be difficult to set up and to maintain, consequently, all heads of departments and future leaders – should ideally be familiar with what this course will cover.
For the above reasons, the course is aimed at radiation oncologists, medical physicists, radiation therapists (RTTs) and hospital/department administrators. It is also of interest to any team member who might have embarked on a teaching programme with the aim of becoming head of department.


This course aims to:
•  Deliver a comprehensive overview of how to set up a quality system in a department, define useful quality indicators and learn different methods to monitor and improve quality
•  Provide awareness of what clinical audits and clinical trials can contribute to a quality system
•  Introduce techniques for technology assessment and algorithms to calculate staffing levels in a department, topics of outmost importance in this time of financial crisis.