RSNA 2020
FINALIZADO (29/11/2020)
106th Radiological Society of North America tendrá lugar del 29 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre de 2020 en Chicago (EEUU). RSNA 2020
FINALIZADO (23/11/2020)
Leadership in Medical Physics. Comienzo online: 1 septiembre 2020. Presencial: 23-27 noviembre 2020. Praga (República checa). This module aims to help the future MPE in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (including imaging outside the D&IR department proper) acquire the knowledge, skills, competences and attitudes necessary to exercise a strategic leadership...
FINALIZADO (21/06/2020)
Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer . 21-23 junio 2020. Mánchester (Reino Unido). Learning Outcomes By the end of this course participants should be able to know the: Requirements for a successful brachytherapy programme Relevant patient groups for prostate brachytherapy and the literature reporting their outcome Current areas of development in...
FINALIZADO (14/06/2020)
Comprehensive Quality Management in Radiotherapy – Risk Management and Patient Safety. 14-17 junio 2020. Lisboa (Portugal). Learing Outcomes By the end of this course participants should be able to: Understand the cause, frequency and effects of incidents/accidents in a radiotherapy department Understand the principles of reactive management to incidents...
FINALIZADO (25/05/2020)
Dose management of pregnant patients, pregnant staff and pediatric patients in radiology. Comienzo online: 1 abril 2020. Presencial: 25-29 mayo 2020. Heraklion (Grecia). A practical challenge to be solved: How can we better protect the pregnant patient? Importance and impact of the training module: Estimation of conceptus dose is...
FINALIZADO (24/05/2020)
Target Volume Determination – From Imaging to Margins. 24-27 mayo 2020. Bruselas (Bélgica). Learning Outcomes By the end of this course participants should be able to: Have a comprehensive understanding of all parts of the planning process and also plan evaluation for intensity modulated radiotherapy (both stepand-shoot IMRT and...
FINALIZADO (24/05/2020)
IMRT/VMAT and Other Highly Conformal Techniques in Practice. 24-28 mayo 2020. Módena – Bolonia (Italia). Learning Outcomes By the end of this course participants should be able to: Describe, at least in qualitative terms, the inverse treatment planning process and potential issues with all elements involved List specific contouring...
FINALIZADO (17/05/2020)
Advanced Skills in Modern Radiotherapy. 17-21 mayo 2020. Viena (Austria). Learning Outcomes By the end of this course participants should be able to: Appreciate where modern radiation therapy is at with respect to pre-treatment imaging and target definition, treatment planning and image guidance Appreciate the importance of knowledge of...